What empirical data and other sources are used (especially reading quality) is extremely important when writing an essay. All (factual) data are correlated with a specific time and place, so before using them, it is necessary to make sure that they correspond to the time and place necessary for the research.
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Profesionals about a good essay
Adequate specification of data by time and place is one of the ways that can prevent supercilious consolidation, which can result in, for example, become an assumption that all countries in some essential aspects are the same (if you think so, then it must be reported, and not be a verbal assertion).
It is always possible to avoid an exaggerated generalization, as long as you keep in mind that in the framework of the case the data used are illustrative material, and not a concluding act, that is, they confirm the arguments and considerations and indicate that the author knows how to use data appropriately. It should also be remembered that data related to controversial issues are always subject to doubt.
The author is not expected to give a definite or residual answer.
It is necessary to understand the essence of the factual material related to this issue (appropriate indicators? How reliable is the data for creating such indicators? What conclusion can be reached on the basis of the available data and indicators about the causes and consequences? etc.), and demonstrate it in the case.
You cannot rely on works that the author himself has not read.
How do you can prepare and write an essay
The quality of any essay depends on three interrelated components, such as:
- the output material to be used (notes of the read literature, lectures, recordings of the results of discussions, own reflections and accumulated experience on the given problem);
- the processing quality of the output material (organization, argumentation and arguments);
- argumentation (how precisely it correlates with the issues raised in the essay).
The process of writing
The process of writing the essay can be divided into several stages: observation – planning – writing – revision – editing.
- Planning – identifying the goal, the main ideas, sources of information, the terms of completion and submission of the work.
- The goal must define the actions. Ideas, like goals, can be concrete and general, more abstract. Thoughts, feelings, views, and perceptions can be expressed in the form of analogies, associations, assumptions, speculations, judgments, arguments, proofs, etc.
- Analogies are the identification of the idea and the creation of concepts, the connection of elements of values.
- Associations – depiction of interconnections of objects and phenomena of reality in the form of a regular link between neuropsychological phenomena (to respond to this or that verbal stimulus with the “first reaction that comes to mind”).
- Assumption – a statement that is not confirmed by any evidence.
- Argumentation is the formulation and proof of ideas.
- Argumentation – a number of related judgments, which are stated in order to convince the reader (listener) in the validity (authenticity) of the thesis, point of view, position.
- Judgment is a phrase or speech for which the sense of the word is: true or biblical?
- Evidence is the reasoning that the conclusion is true absolutely or with some degree of probability. As evidence are used facts, references to authorities, known true judgments (laws, axioms, etc.), evidence (direct, indirect, “from the contrary”, “by method of exclusion”), etc.
- The list, which will come out as a result of the listing of ideas, will help to identify which of them require a special argumentation.
- The topic is the subject will tell you where to look for relevant material. The subject will tell you where to find the material you need.
- Reviewing means editing the text with an orientation toward quality and efficiency. Text quality consists of four main components: clarity of thought, clarity, literacy, and correctness.
- Thought – the content of the written word. You need to be clear and concise in formulating the ideas you want to express, otherwise you will not be able to convey these ideas and information to the recipients.
- The simplicity of the text is that it is understandable. The easiest way to achieve this is to use logically and sequentially distinctive words, phrases, and interconnected paragraphs, which disclose the topic.
- Literacy inhibits the adherence to norms of grammar and spelling. If you doubt something, look in a textbook, consult a dictionary or a style guide, or let a person whose writing you like to read it.
- Accuracy is the style of writing. Style is determined by the genre, the structure of the work, the goals the writer has set for himself, and the readers he is addressing.
What do you pay attention to when checking a persuasive essay
- identifies the concepts, which are clearly and comprehensively discussed, giving appropriate examples;
- concepts that are used strictly in accordance with the topic;
- competently uses the categories of analysis;
- is able to use the techniques of comparison and summarization to analyze the interrelation of concepts and phenomena;
- is able to explain alternative views of the problem and come to a balanced conclusion;
- range of information space used (the student uses many sources of information);
- interprets textual information with the help of graphs and diagrams;
- gives a personal assessment of the problem;
- clarity and accuracy of the presentation; – logical structure of the proofs;
- thesis statements are accompanied by a competent argumentation;
- different points of view and their personal evaluation;
- the general form of the presentation of the results and their interpretation corresponds to the genre of problematic scientific articles;
- the work meets the basic requirements to the design and use of quotations;
- compliance with formal requirements.