5 Reasons Why Social Media is as much important as SEO


Social media is rapidly taking over the marketing industry. It is an essential marketing tool for companies investing resources in search engine optimization. However, it is only recently that companies began to take advantage of that. Previously SEO was just about building links and killer content strategy. But today if your company is solely focused on this two and ignores social media, you are missing out on the incredible opportunity of improving your rankings. Having social media accounts helps support your SEO efforts. That said, here are some reasons you should include social media in your marketing and as part of your online strategy.

  1. Web Traffic

    In as much as links built by SEO companies may help generate some traffic, they are not that effective compared to social media.
    Sharing your content on social media gives the users the reason to click through to your website thereby generating high quality traffic. And the good news is that the traffic is very much targeted. How? When you upload your post, it will show up to the feeds of people who follow you and those that are interested. Therefore the visitors you are targeting will get to visit your website.

  2. Social Media Signals

    Google, Bing and other search engines are using social media to gauge your website’s popularity. Previously they used to rank sites using links.
    The more the links the popular the site was. This then made some companies spam masses to build more links. However, nowadays, social signals are hard to fake since they come from actual users. SEO companies use social engagement which is determined by the tweets, likes, comments or sharing a piece of content. If social engagement is high, it means that the content is useful.

  3. Link Building

    Links are significant in the rankings of your website. So you must ensure that you get as many links as you can.
    You don’t have to go around asking sites to link with yours while you can use social media accounts to do this. Once you upload your content on social media, interested audiences may click the link and probably share it to other users, thereby generating more links. Always ensure that your website content is can easily be shared.

  4. Spread Your Online Reach Faster

    The past link building methods involve getting your links everywhere even to some sites that were inactive.
    But with social media, you are sure that potential customers will see your content. Plus it allows you to interact with your followers and this makes them build a connection to your brand.

  5. Brand Awareness

    The sole purpose of social media is raising awareness of a particular brand. It is stress-free and helps in increasing your business visibility.
    Once you create an account on social media, you need to, therefore, start networking with others. This type of marketing is simple, a bit cheaper and non-time consuming. SEO accounts use brand identity and awareness to rank your website. Social media as earlier said helps build brand awareness and amplifying your content, and this is referred to as co-citations. Building co-citations help improve your ranking.

SEO and social media complement each other, and therefore a company should give equal priority to both. When your website is easy to find on search engines, and you have a social media, you build customer loyalty and customer retention. These platforms are channels through which your customers can communicate with the business hence making them feel connected to it.

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